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How To Get Back Into Fitness After Illness


Views 347

Published on: April 19, 2024

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When the worst illness that could affect us was the common cold in winter, exercising while sick was a lot easier to tackle.

Covid-19 has changed all that. By introducing a new set of post-illness symptoms and conditions to deal with it has changed the approach to getting back to fitness after contracting the disease. At the same time, it has created an opportunity to re-examine the protocols that apply when getting back into fitness after a long lay-off and getting back …

Health Tips


Views 559

Published on: Dec. 30, 2023

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Health is wealth. Everyone knows this simple concept by head, but not many practise as if they believe in it. In the journey to financial freedom, many would inevitably arrive at this crossroad where they have to choose between advancing further at the expense of their health or to give up financial freedom for health. At this juncture many would remember examples, or minimally know that, if they neglect their health further, they may have no more lifespan left to …

Nginx Beginner’s Guide


Views 575

Published on: Dec. 30, 2023

This guide gives a basic introduction to nginx and describes some simple tasks that can be done with it. It is supposed that nginx is already installed on the reader’s machine. If it is not, see the Installing nginx page. This guide describes how to start and stop nginx, and reload its configuration, explains the structure of the configuration file and describes how to set up nginx to serve out static content, how to configure nginx as a proxy server, and …

What is PostgreSQL?


Views 570

Published on: Dec. 30, 2023

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In the ever-evolving world of databases, PostgreSQL shines as a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that has gained immense popularity among developers and businesses alike.

PostgreSQL, often referred to as “Postgres,” is a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is known for its robustness, reliability, and extensive feature set, making it a popular choice for various data-driven applications.

Relational databases play a fundamental role in data management by organizing data into structured tables …